How to add our organisation to Compass?

If seeking to add an organisation to the website/directory, that is not currently in receipt of state funding, a request can be submitted to IASIO [via email or online form/survey]. Any request will be reviewed by IASIO, with a recommendation made to the database/website steering group on whether inclusion meets the inclusion criteria.

How can I add my organisation to the directory?

  • If your organisation does receive state funding simply request and complete an online survey and your data will be reviewed by IASIO and added to the website/directory;
  • If your organisation does not receive state funding, your organisation will need to submit a request form to be included. All request forms will be reviewed by a steering group, who are responsible for approving organisations that are added to the website/directory.
  • To submit a request form, please click here [add link]

What happens when this request form has been submitted?

  1. Your request to be added to the website/directory will be reviewed by IASIO, who will make a recommendation on inclusion to the steering group
  2. The steering group will review this recommendation and offer an opportunity to submit additional information, if required. Also, the steering group will ensure there are no outstanding complaints on the applicant with Probation or Irish Prison Services
  3. If approved for inclusion, the applicant will be sent an online survey, once completed their organisation will be added to the directory.
  4. If they are not approved for inclusion, these reasons will be communicated.
  5. If the situation has changed, or an organisation has responded to the reasons stated by the Steering Group, an organisation can submit another request in 12-months.